Monday, February 4, 2008

Death and taxes minus the death part

I voted! Well, tomorrow once I've got it stamped and in the mail I will officially have voted I suppose, but the important thing is that I was able to vote. I didn't know if I'd registered in time to even get an absentee ballot, but I did! And I got it today! I've filled it out and it's ready to be sent. The great thing about not being registered to a party is that I could choose which ballot to vote from. I feel so empowered haha!

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday. I hope all of you in states where primaries are taking place will find a local polling station and voice your opinion for either the Democrats or the Republicans.

Also in a spirit of supporting my government (or maybe just feeling screwed by them, either way) I filed my tax return today. I'll at least be getting some money back, though a small amount in comparison to what I paid. Buuut I guess that's the price of living in America.

Go America. Wooh. Yeah.

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